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AbstractLexer Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The AbstractLexer type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckEOF
Checks if the next input results in End of File.
Public methodCheckIsDigit
Checks if c is a number.
Public methodCheckMatch(Char)
Checks if the next input is a match to c.
Public methodCheckMatch(Int32)
Checks if the next input is a match to c.
Public methodCheckMatch(String)
Checks if the next input is a match to str.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodLookAhead
Looks ahead a specified number of chars and returns the result.
Public methodLookBack
Looks back a specified number of chars and returns the result.
Public methodNext
Advances one character in the reader.
Public methodRead
Reads the tokens from the reader. Used by the Parser.
Public methodRead(Int64, Int32)
Reads the specified start position in stream. Used by the Token to read the token's value.
Public methodReset
Resets this instance.
Extension Methods
See Also